Corporate Responsibility

Green Initiatives

One planet. One future. We believe that what’s good for business should also be good for the Earth. Our commitment to be a good global corporate citizen is shown through our sustainability initiatives and innovations.


The development of our EcoTek Sustainability Solution highlights our focus on sustainability.



The California Green Business Network leads the state and nation in working with small to medium sized businesses to create a vibrant green economy. Led by a coalition of cities and counties, we endeavor to make our communities healthier and more livable while also conserving resources and saving money.


Responsible Management

We are proactive in reducing our environmental impact at every stage of the product life cycle, from manufacturing to disposal.


Conservation and Recycling

We make every effort to reduce the consumption of natural resources, support zero-waste emission efforts, and recycle end-of-life products and packaging materials. All outer packaging is made of 90% recycled paper and inner packaging is made from 70% recycled paper.



SW’s Mission is sustainability, and one critical aspect of sustainability is managing our natural resources. SW targeted packaging as an avenue for improvement to be more sustainable, this included everything from the packaging materials to the inks used in the printing. We did this by taking steps to verify that our materials come from certified sources who take forest stewardship seriously.



The C2C Material Health Certificate Silver level assists consumers in knowing more about the chemicals used in products across their supply chains and avoid chemicals of concern. SW's EcoTek gloves are free from carcinogens, mutagens, or reproductive toxicants and are assured safe for all users.


Environmental Objectives

Setting goals and objectives is key to success. We constantly monitor our sustainability initiatives to keep us on track and further lessen our environmental footprint.

Restricting Hazardous Substances

At every opportunity we reduce the use of volatile organic compounds deemed risky to the environment. Preventing chemical pollution and minimizing the amount of chemicals in our products is a top priority.


Sustainable Procurement

We only source materials from suppliers that share our environmental standards. Comprehensive assessments are preformed to evaluate the use of controlled substances and implementation of Green initiatives at all our facilities.
