SW Now a Certified California Green Business

Industry News

SW has been awarded the California Green Business Certification joining more than over 3,500 certified Green Businesses and public agencies located in the state of California. The Alameda County Green Business Program is an independently operated program supported by the statewide California Green Business Network and developed by Bay Area public agencies in collaboration with US EPA, Cal EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control and the business community. Certified Green Businesses exceed all environmental regulation, and implement practices to reduce pollution, conserve resources, and protect human health.

We successfully met the green criteria, passed the verification and audit procedure. As a green business, we operate in an environmentally responsible manner and taken a huge step to protect our environment by making simple changes in our practices to conserve natural resources. Among these are:

  • Use of energy-efficient lighting
  • Use Recyclable paper products
  • Use of Energy Star appliances
  • Switched to non-toxic cleaning materials, dish soaps, hand wash
  • Kitchen and bathroom faucets have aerators to reduce water splashing
  • Use low flow toilets to conserve water
  • Support other green business
  • Maintain HVAC system
  • Eliminate use of disposable items, promote use of reusable dishware
  • Proper garbage disposal, recycling and organic training
  • Encourage other companies to get certified
  • Establish a green team, sustainability policies and green purchasing practices

SW pursued this certification as part of our sustainability efforts. By becoming a certified green business, we are showing our employees, clients and community that we care about sustainability.